Reminiscence: An open eyed dream


SEDS India
2 min readDec 7, 2020
Solar Eclipse | Kunal Vaze

With the night sky as my blanket,

I snuggle in, dreaming to a far distance;

Far into the past deeper and deeper,

Before this world knew of words,

Before this world knew of any sound,

Even the ‘thud’ of the ape as it jumps onto the ground,

Long before the daring fish took steps into the land,

Before the explosion of terran DNA into beautiful creatures,

Before the single cell multiplied into a spread of lichen,

Even before the fine sands birthed from the rage of rocks,

Before this tiny little blue dot cried liquid tears that I drink now

-I am pondering, once more, nothing that’s new-

Prior to the cry of the newborn sun,

Before it took baby steps in some dusty nebulae,

Before dust itself formed, when-in there was no order,

None at all and the heavens needed no music

For the atoms to dance together,

Before peace waved, when the particles made a wreck,

Before they could stand without taking the other one out,

Before the blissful darkness, perfect for relaxation,

When suddenly the jots of matter and antimatter

Marched forth into the battle of annihilation,

Before the light spray doused a new cosmos,

No my dream does not end because

Before the bang of an energy confetti,

Something happened, something insignificant, not at all worthy

Of pulling the hair strands out of my head,

But that which calls out all things present and alive,

Into my dreams, a melody of an alarm,

To search and seek it out,

Testing my sleep and now I’m awake throughout this night,

And I have no response as it taunts me,

That I do not know, do not know before time,

Because, rightly so, all that we have achieved is,

Just a 13.8 billion years of a brief history of Time.

